Hello Beautiful!
Marin is an International Childbirth Education Association Certified Childbirth Educator (ICCE). She is also a Transformational Coach and intuitive healer. She loves to help women find and embrace their soul’s deepest desires, fall in love with life’s unfolding mysteries, and embody the magic of their hearts. Whether helping her clients give birth to their dream lives or to their babies, Marin carries an embodied understanding of the cycles by which we live our lives and transform our reality.
Marin loves to work with clients who are ready to say “yes” to their highest potential and cross the unknown so that they can live the fully empowered, vibrant, and blissful life of their dreams: entrepreneurs ready to let go of old jobs, life patterns, and businesses that no longer serve them; pregnant mamas ready to release their labor and delivery traumas and fears; mamas struggling with their family dynamics; women with chronic conditions wanting out of the endless cycle of pain and treatments. She serves women who are ready to take the transformational journey to discover what, and more importantly who, is on the other side.

Marin guides her clients to a move beyond what they think is possible to connect more deeply to our feminine selves and emerge more aligned in body, mind, and soul. She is able to guide her clients along their journeys because she has been there! Feeling “trapped” throughout her twenties in a high-stress corporate job at a multinational investment bank in San Francisco’s financial district, she carried the façade of “control” while suffering severe migraines and debilitating back pain. She also experienced gynecological and psychological traumas that affect women trapped in a high-stress lives, struggling to be and do “it all”. Afraid to risk “safety” and “stability” to make a move, she was paralyzed: trapped and not knowing how to move forward, which way to turn, or even which way was “out.”
And yet all the while, the still, soft, whisper of the deepest longings of her soul were calling her. Finally, trusting a dream and spirit, she started taking all the risks she had been afraid to take—resigning from her position to pursue grad school, living abroad, and starting multiple business—all the while learning to trust the universe/spirit and looking for synchronicities to guide her. Most unexpectedly, Spirit led her back to Vermont, where she found her beloved by following Spirit’s guidance to go to Starbucks one day.
A year later pregnant, in love, and managing the business she had founded, Marin still felt like something was missing. She invested ¼ of her retirement account and a leap of faith to work with an incredible coach to guide her through the most critical stages of her transformational journey to find her life’s purpose. Through this journey, she was able to come home to herself and her deepest desires and manifest them into reality. She founded Embodied Entrepreneur, where she coaches women entrepreneurs to grow and transform their businesses in ways that empower them to thrive in mind, body, and spirit.
Traumatized by her first birth experience, she determinedly sought a more connected, present, and less painful birthing experience with her second born and followed Spirit’s guidance to discover and learn the secret art of labor and delivery. Through deep research, tapping into lost archetypal embodied wisdom, and with incredible coaching she delivered her second child through an empowered, comfortable, and calm labor that was also a profoundly healing experience, allowing her to release deep generational traumas. This birth was such a profound transformational experience that she established a labor and delivery coaching practice, Beyond Birthing, in which she coaches women to have the powerful, healing, and joyful labor and delivery experience of their dreams.

We are so excited to guide you on this journey! Childbirth is an incredible opportunity in a woman’s life to find out just how powerful you truly are and what it really means to stand centered in your deep feminine power.
You can start at any time during your pregnancy, and you will have support the entire way until you meet your sweet baby. You will also have lifetime access to the online course, so you can go through it again for any babies you may have later on.
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